2.3.2 (2012-08-30) ------------------ [NEW] Support for Oracle UCP (Universal Connection Pool) [NEW] Support for VMware vFabric server [FIX] NoSuchMethodError when listing JSPs in JBoss 5.1 [FIX] Browsing to Probe on Tomcat 7 generates many sessions for the /probe context [FIX] Remove application attribute does not work [FIX] Error opening catalina.out log file from Logs [FIX] Update commons-lang to 2.5 to fix a potential memory leak [MISC] Update readme.txt and pom.xml regarding hosted tomcat-jdbc artifact 2.3.1 (2012-03-11) ------------------ [FIX] Error on first request when deployed to Liferay [FIX] Log files created by a Logback SiftingAppender should be listed [FIX] Missing dependency in another app can cause NoClassDefFoundError when viewing Logs [FIX] AJAX start/stop results in incorrect status text color [MISC] Improved support for JBoss 5, 6, and 7 [MISC] Update xstream to 1.2.2, providing improved support for non-Sun JVMs 2.3.0 (2011-10-17) ------------------ [NEW] Support for Tomcat 7 [NEW] Add Spanish translation [FIX] SQL query results should not hide matching values of adjacent rows [FIX] Incorrect SQL column name when using alias; columns missing if duplicate names [FIX] Pagination links does not work on SQL query results [FIX] Error "You have passed wrong parameters to this page." when trying to stop an app running in ROOT context [FIX] Log resolver sees slf4j bridges (e.g. log4j-over-slf4j) as base log types [FIX] Use standard abbreviations for bytes (B), kilobytes (KB), etc. [FIX] Connectors tab shows an error when using Tomcat with APR [FIX] Error viewing JSP files on Tomcat 7 [FIX] Error undeploying application on Tomcat 7 [FIX] Connector stats are not populated on Tomcat 7 [FIX] Deploying PSI Probe should not disable async in Tomcat 7 [FIX] Error viewing servlets on Tomcat 7 [FIX] Pre-compiled JSPs causing errors on Tomcat 7 [FIX] Error compiling JSPs on Tomcat 7.0.16 and higher [FIX] Error viewing context descriptor on Tomcat 7 2.2.3 (2011-07-04) ------------------ [FIX] Error on startup under Tomcat 5: UnsupportedClassVersionError for TomcatJdbcPoolDatasourceAccessor running on Java 1.4 [FIX] Exception prevents viewing context attributes 2.2.2 (2011-05-28) ------------------ [FIX] Memory page error when using JRockit or IBM JDK [FIX] Problem redeploying root context [FIX] Can't open log files for root context [FIX] Can't deploy .war when webapps directory and java.io.tmpdir are on different file systems 2.2.1 (2011-04-21) ------------------ [FIX] Error when server OS does not have English as its default language 2.2.0 (2011-04-17) ------------------ [NEW] Support for Tomcat 6 (except cluster info) [NEW] Support for SpringSource tc Server [NEW] Support for Executors (ThreadPools) [NEW] Support for tomcat-jdbc datasources [NEW] Support for logback [NEW] Change logging levels at runtime through web UI [NEW] Add kill thread feature on Connectors tab [NEW] Display, track, and query against global datasources [NEW] Track and graph processing time for Connectors [FIX] 'What are those abbreviations?' does not return help text [FIX] Allow "manager-gui" role everywhere "manager" role is currently allowed [FIX] Confirmation message for deploying ROOT.war not complete [FIX] Filter Mappings do not display on Tomcat 6 [FIX] Selecting English should display text in English, not the client's default language [FIX] When request processor's thread name is long, it should not overlap the URL [MISC] Update Displaytag to 1.1.1 [MISC] Allow mouse-over of abbreviated value to reveal original value [MISC] Change "Force Garbage Collection" to "Advise Garbage Collection" [MISC] Differentiate between Busy and Established connections in JDBC Usage bars [MISC] Display class names of arrays with a more user-friendly format [MISC] Move request/error count and processing time totals below graphs on application summary page [MISC] Move RequestProcessor information from "Status" tab to "Connectors" tab [MISC] Move ThreadPool information from "Status" tab to "Threads" tab 2.1.2 (2010-12-12) ------------------ [FIX] NPE in DatasourceStatsCollectorBean 2.1.1 (2010-12-04) ------------------ [FIX] Credit famfamfam.com for "Silk" icons [FIX] Can't follow multiple logs in separate tabs/windows [FIX] Errors in probe.log when viewing Logs tab in Tomcat 6 [FIX] Unnecessary reflow when chart images first load [FIX] HTML in log tail should be escaped [MISC] Use HashSet for Instruments.processedObjects 2.1.0 (2010-09-26) ------------------ [NEW] Partial support for Tomcat 7 [FIX] Statistics charts remain visible when application is stopped [FIX] Links to view servlets and servlet mappings for all applications [FIX] Link to view sessions for all applications [FIX] Remove unnecessary dependencies [FIX] Executing queries against a datasource doesn't display results [FIX] Confirm dialog for "Undeploy" link on application summary page should not be empty [FIX] Cluster traffic graphs sometimes do not display [FIX] Can't see info in the "Connector stats" and "Status" pages in JBoss [FIX] Resetting datasource in JBoss always reports failure, even on success [FIX] Human-readable durations should not always have milliseconds of 0 [FIX] EU flag is missing in session list [MISC] Configure statistics collection with command line properties [MISC] Add translation credits in footer [MISC] Allow manual reset of connector stats on the fly [MISC] Save user's font size settings of log view panel [MISC] Add usage graphs for DB connection pools [MISC] View cumulative and combined application statistics charts [MISC] Update Spring Framework to 2.5.6.SEC01 [MISC] Configurable parameter so Probe ignores its own traffic in cumulative chart [MISC] Link deployment success message to application summary page [MISC] Italian translation [MISC] Updates to German translation [MISC] IP address recognition for forwarded requests 2.0.4 (2010-05-23) ------------------ [FIX] Exception in another app's code prevents viewing session contents [FIX] Application's session list is empty in IE7 [FIX] AJAX start/stop results in incorrect status text color 2.0.3 (2010-05-05) ------------------ [FIX] Deploying .war file to RHEL server using IE7 does not work correctly 2.0.2 (2010-04-21) ------------------ [NEW] Support for JBoss Application Server 3.2, 4.0, 4.2, 4.3, 5.0, 5.1 2.0.1 (2010-01-18) ------------------ [FIX] JTA 1.1 (Java 5) dependency used instead of JTA 1.0.1B (Java 1.4) 2.0.0 (2010-01-16) ------------------ [NEW] IDE-agnostic project structure using Maven [NEW] Add dynamic locale selector [NEW] Statistics time charts for applications [FIX] Project should not contain dependencies on sun.* packages [FIX] Session timeout should be displayed as minutes, not seconds [FIX] Duplicate log entries [FIX] log4j log files are invisible if commons-logging-1.1.1.jar is in any context's classpath [FIX] Allow for embedded Tomcat [FIX] Tomcat auto-deploy can corrupt context [FIX] UploadWarController contains reference to missing property [FIX] Log tailing doesn't work correctly with Google Chrome [FIX] Log tailing is not traffic optimized [FIX] Reduce logging output from StatsCollection [MISC] Links to issue tracker and discussion board on error page [MISC] Brazilian Portuguese Translation [MISC] Include pre-compiled JSP resources in .war file [MISC] Update Spring Framework to 2.0.1 [MISC] French translation [MISC] Update prototype to 1.6.1 and scriptaculous to 1.8.3 [MISC] View servlets for all applications by removing "webapp" parameter from URL [MISC] View sessions for all applications by removing "webapp" parameter from URL