- a Java 8 compatible JDK (Java Development Kit)
- a working installation of Ant (at least version 1.9.1)
- the JMeter sources as shown in the next section
Acquiring the source
The full source is distributed alongside the binary, and you can also find it in the source repositories.
The source archive, SVN and GIT do not contain any of the required library files.
Compiling and packaging JMeter using Eclipse
Option 1 : Setting up Eclipse project with Ant task
Once you have downloaded the sources using git or svn, you can setup the Eclipse project by running:
ant setup-eclipse-project |
You can then import the project using
and select the folder containing JMeter sources.
Option 2 : Setting up Eclipse project manually
The first step is to download dependencies by running the Ant command:
Or you can download the binary distribution archive for a release and unpack it into the same directory structure as the source.
This will ensure that the lib/ directory contains the jar files needed for running JMeter.
There are a few additional jars that are needed to build JMeter, download these using:
This will retrieve any missing jars.
If you are behind a proxy, you can set a few build properties in build-local.properties for ant to use the proxy:
You might also want to skip some tests - that are failing without proper access to the internet - by adding some more
properties into build-local.properties:
Once you have downloaded the source from SVN or the release archives and run the ant download_jars target to
install the dependent jars, you can configure Eclipse. The easiest way to do this is to replace the Eclipse .classpath
file with the eclipse.classpath file provided with JMeter. This will set up the source-paths and most of the libraries.
Ensure you read eclipse.md for project configuration.
Compiling and packaging JMeter using Ant
JMeter can be built entirely using Ant.
The basic command is:
See build.xml (or call ant -p) for the other targets that can be used. Note that you can skip the word install after ant as it is the default target.