Dynamic cluster collection Use this page to view your existing dynamic clusters. The
members of the dynamic clusters, or server instances, reside on a
node within a node group. The dynamic clusters, as well as the associated
node groups, are used to perform application placement when the environment
is running in automatic mode.
Dynamic cluster custom properties Use this page to create or delete custom properties. For
custom properties to function properly, the name and value pairs must
be relevant. Custom properties set internal system configuration properties,
so setting custom properties requires significant product knowledge.
Membership policy builder Use the membership policy subexpression builder to create
an expression that defines the members of your dynamic cluster. Use
the build subexpression utility to build complex rule conditions from
subexpressions by using AND, OR, NOT and parenthetical grouping. The
rule builder validates the rule when you apply the changes, and alerts
you to mismatched parentheses and unsupported logic operators.
Step 2: Select a membership method The membership method defines how cluster instances are
added to the dynamic cluster. You can create a membership policy to
automatically place cluster instances on certain nodes, or you can
manually add cluster instances to the dynamic cluster.
Step 3: Define the dynamic cluster members You can define dynamic cluster members when you are creating
a dynamic cluster, or you can add dynamic cluster members to an existing
dynamic cluster.
Step 4: Select a server template Select a server template on which to model the servers
for the new dynamic cluster. You can select a default template, or
map an existing server.
Step 6: Summary Use this administrative console page to view and save settings
when you create a dynamic cluster or add dynamic cluster members.
This summary page displays your configuration changes before you
commit the changes and the new dynamic cluster is created or dynamic
cluster members are added.