Custom actions collection By default, you can define a health policy to execute any
of the predefined health actions, such as restart a server, when a
health policy is breached. Configure a custom action when you want
your environment to take an action other than these defaults.
Custom health condition subexpression builder Use the custom health condition subexpression builder to
define a custom health condition for your health policy. Use the build
subexpression utility to build complex rule conditions from subexpressions
by using AND, OR, NOT and parenthetical grouping. The subexpression
builder validates the rule when you apply the changes, and alerts
you to mismatched parentheses and unsupported logic operators.
Health policy collection Use this page to create and modify health policies. Health
policies support two main approaches to maintaining a healthy environment:
detection and prevention.
Health policy settings Use this page to modify existing health policies. Health
policies are used to maintain a healthy environment using prevention
and detection methodologies.