On demand router clusters collection This page lists the on demand router (ODR) clusters in
the cell. An ODR cluster consists of a group of ODRs. On this page,
you can modify the configuration settings of an ODR cluster. If one
of the members of an ODR cluster fails, requests are routed to the
other members of the cluster.
On demand router clusters configuration Use this page to modify the configuration of an on demand
router (ODR) cluster. An ODR cluster consists of a group of ODRs that
share a common configuration.
On demand router collection This page lists the on demand routers (ODRs) in the cell.
An ODR resides within an Intelligent Management node. An ODR
classifies, prioritizes, and routes HTTP and SIP traffic in the enterprise.
On this page you can create, delete, start, and stop an ODR. You can
also create server templates.
On demand router object cache instance collection Use this page to configure and manage object cache instances,
which in addition to the default shared dynamic cache, can store,
distribute, and share data for Java Platform,
Enterprise Edition (Java EE)
applications. Use cache instances to give applications better flexibility
and tuning of the cache resources.
On demand router settings Use this topic to perform advanced configuration on an
on demand router (ODR). With ODR settings, you can fine tune the behavior
of the ODR. In particular, you can configure the connections and requests
to the application server, enable caching, configure the requests
that must be rejected, define how error responses are handled, and
specify the location of the ODR logs.
On demand router static cache rule settings Use this topic to configure a cache rule that is associated
to a URI group for the on demand router (ODR). HTTP 1.1 defines a
set of rules for ODRs to cache content. Static cache rules enable
these default rules to be overridden for a given address space. For
the rules to have meaning, you must enable caching on the ServersServer typesOn demand routersODR_nameOn demand router propertiesOn demand
router settings administrative console page.
On demand router static cache rules This topic lists the on demand router (ODR) static cache
rules. On this page you can create, delete, or modify an on demand
router static cache rule.
On demand router transport chains collection Use this page to view or manage transport chains for the
on demand router (ODR). Transport chains enable communication through
transports, or protocol stacks, which are usually socket based.