Define service policy goal properties Customize service policies using the guidelines on this
page. By defining goal properties, you can determine when and for
how long a service policy runs. A service policy is a user-defined
business goal, and correlates to transaction and work class components.
A service policy categorizes and prioritizes work requests. The service
policy creates the goal, while the work classes connect specified
information such as Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs) to that goal.
Internet Inter-ORB Protocol (IIOP) type work classes use Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) and EJB method
names to map to the goal. Java Message
Service (JMS) type work classes use bus and destination names to map
to the goal.
Define service policy memberships You can define the association of a service policy with
a transaction class. Using the combination of a service policy with
associated transaction and work classes, the on demand router assesses
all work in the queue at any time, and makes decisions based upon
the attributes in the service policy.
Service policy collection You can create and modify service policies according to
user-defined business goals. Service policies are the main building
blocks of an operational policy. An operational policy categorizes
work and consists of a service policy with transaction class affiliations.
The on demand router reads the operational policy to determine the
proper work flow according to available server resources.
Service policy overview You can create service policies that fit user-defined business
goals. Service policies create work-related goals used to categorize
and prioritize work.
Service policy settings You can change existing service policies or transaction
classes, which together create an operational policy.
Service policy topology You can set up your system to display the service policy
topology. This display provides a direct mapping of specific service
policies to work classes.
Transaction class collection You can edit existing transaction classes, which are components
of a service policy. Transaction classes apply the business goals
of a service policy to specific application Universal Resource Identifiers
Transaction class move You can move transaction classes from one service policy
to another. Transaction classes cannot exist outside of a service
policy affiliation. Because of this restriction you have two choices
if you want to end a service policy - transaction class relationship:
you must either delete the transaction class, or move the transaction
class to another service policy. You can create a service policy to
hold transaction classes that you need to save.