JBoss Seam is Copyright 2005-2009, Red Hat Middleware LLC and individual contributors. It is licensed under the GNU LGPL except where otherwise noted in the source file's header. A summary of the individual contributors is given below. Any omission should be sent to Pete Muir . SCM Login(s) Name Role ------------------------------------------------------------------------ gavin Gavin King Project founder pmuir,pete.muir@jboss.org Pete Muir Project lead dan.j.allen Dan Allen max.andersen@jboss.com Max Rydahl Andersen jbalunas@redhat.com Jay Balunas cbauer,christian.bauer@jboss.com Christian Bauer ebernard Emmanuel Bernard sbryzak2,shane.bryzak@jboss.com Shane Bryzak matt.drees Matt Dress jguglielmin Judy Guglielmin jharting Jozef Hartinger theute Thomas Heute alesj Ales Justin nickarls Nicklas Karlsson manaRH Marek Novotny jacob.orshalick Jacob Orshalick cpopetz Clint Popetz nrichards,norman.richards@jboss.com Norman Richards danielc.roth Daniel Roth myoungstrom Michael Youngstrom myuan Michael Yuan ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * JBoss is a registered trademark of Red Hat Middleware LLC