Seam GroovyBooking Example ========================== This is the Hotel Booking example implemented in Groovy Beans and Hibernate JPA. This application runs on JBoss AS, but is deployed as a WAR rather than an EAR. Thus, you prefix all the typical targets (explode, restart, unexplode) with "jbosswar." (e.g., jbosswar.explode, jbosswar.restart, jbosswar.unexplode). Please note that you need to uncomment the loadPersistenceUnits=true property in when deploying to JBoss AS 5. When editing Groovy files from the src/action directory, you can run ant "jbosswar.explode" to see your changes take effect. When editing Groovy files from src/model, you need to run "ant jbosswar.explode jbosswar.restart" Access the application at http://localhost:8080/jboss-seam-groovybooking