Seam Example Applications ========================= This directory contains the Seam example applications, which have all been tested on the latest release of JBoss EAP 5. Consult the readme.txt file in each of the examples to see which additional servers the example supports. Below is a list of examples with a brief description. The name of the example, refered to later as ${}, is equivalent to the name of the folder unless the folder name begins with seam, in which case the prefix "seam" is omitted (i.e. seamspace -> space). blog/ The Seam blog example, showing how to write RESTful applications using Seam. booking/ The Seam Booking demo application for EJB 3.0. contactlist/ The Seam Contact List demo demonstrating use of the Seam application framework. drools/ A version of the number guessing example that uses Drools with jBPM. dvdstore/ The Seam DVD Store demo demonstrating jBPM support in Seam. excel/ Demo of excel export support. groovybooking/ The Seam Booking demo ported to Groovy. hibernate/ The Seam Booking demo ported to Hibernate3. itext/ A demo of the Seam iText integration for generating PDFs. jee5/booking The Seam Booking demo ported to the Java EE 5 platforms. jee5/remoting The Seam remoting helloworld demo ported to the Java EE 5 platforms. jpa/ An example of the use of JPA (provided by Hibernate), runs on many platforms, including non-EE 5 platforms (including plain Tomcat). mail/ The Seam mail example demonstrating use of facelets-based email templating. messages/ The Seam message list example demonstrating use of the @DataModel annotation. nestedbooking/ The booking example modified to show the use of nested conversations. numberguess/ The Seam number guessing example, demonstrating jBPM pageflow. quartz/ A port of the Seampay example to use the Quartz dispatcher. registration/ A trivial example for the tutorial. remoting/chatroom/ The Seam Chat Room example, demostrating Seam remoting. remoting/gwt/ An example of using GWT with Seam remoting. remoting/helloworld/ A trivial example using Ajax. seambay/ An example of using Seam with Web Services. seamdiscs/ Demonstrates Seam, Trinidad, Ajax4jsf and Richfaces. seampay/ The Seam Payments demo demonstrating the use of asynchronous methods. seamspace/ The Seam Spaces demo demonstrating Seam security. spring/ Demonstrates Spring framework integration. tasks/ Demonstrates RESTEasy integration. todo/ The Seam todo list example demonstrating jBPM business process management. ui/ Demonstrates some Seam JSF controls. Deploying and Testing an Example Application ============================================ These are general instructions for deploying Seam examples. Take a look at the readme.txt in the example to see if there are any specific instructions. How to Build and Deploy an Example on JBoss EAP ---------------------------------------------- 1. Open the "" file at the root of the Seam distribution in your editor and change jboss.home to point to your JBoss AS directory (the examples are deployed to the default profile) 2. (Optional) Build Seam by running "ant" the Seam root directory Only required if you are working from an SVN checkout. 3. Build and deploy the example by running the following command from the Seam "examples/${}" directory: ant explode To undeploy the example, run: ant unexplode To restart the deployed application, run: ant restart 4. Start JBoss AS by typing "./" (on Linux/Unix) or "run" (on Windows) in the jboss-eap-5/bin directory 5. Point your web browser to: http://localhost:8080/seam-${} Recall that ${} is the name of the example folder unless the folder begins with seam, in which the prefix "seam" is omitted. The context path is set in META-INF/application.xml for EAR deployments. However, WAR deployments use a different naming convention for the context path. If you deploy a WAR example, point your web browser to: http://localhost:8080/jboss-seam-${} The WAR examples are groovybooking, jpa, hibernate, and spring NOTE: The examples use the HSQL database embedded in JBoss AS Running The TestNG Tests ------------------------ In the "examples/${}" directory, type "ant test" Running the TestNG Tests in Eclipse ----------------------------------- 1. Install the TestNG Eclipse plugin from 2. From the example's home directory (e.g. booking for the booking example), run ant test. 3. In Eclipse, click on File > New > Project.... 4. Select Java Project from Existing Ant Buildfile from the New Project Wizard, and click Next. 5. Select the example's build.xml file as the base for the new Java project. 6. Select Testing Suite or Testing Class. 7. From the Run As menu, choose TestNG Test. You can cancel the processing of the test run at any time. 8. Go to Run > Run configurations and edit the created TestNG runner. 9. If JDK 1.6 is used as runtime, add the following JVM argument on the Arguments tab: -Dsun.lang.ClassLoader.allowArraySyntax=true 10. Go to the Classpath tab and remove all User entries. 11. Add the JARs and folders specified by