Response related metrics are the following:
- <rootMetricsPrefix><samplerName>.ok.count
- Number of successful responses for sampler name
- <rootMetricsPrefix><samplerName>.h.count
- Server hits per seconds, this metric cumulates Sample Result and Sub results (if using Transaction Controller, "Generate parent sampler" should be unchecked)
- <rootMetricsPrefix><samplerName>.ok.min
- Min response time for successful responses of sampler name
- <rootMetricsPrefix><samplerName>.ok.max
- Max response time for successful responses of sampler name
- <rootMetricsPrefix><samplerName>.ok.avg
- Average response time for successful responses of sampler name.
- <rootMetricsPrefix><samplerName>.ok.pct<percentileValue>
- Percentile computed for successful responses of sampler name. There will be one metric for each calculated value.
- <rootMetricsPrefix><samplerName>.ko.count
- Number of failed responses for sampler name
- <rootMetricsPrefix><samplerName>.ko.min
- Min response time for failed responses of sampler name
- <rootMetricsPrefix><samplerName>.ko.max
- Max response time for failed responses of sampler name
- <rootMetricsPrefix><samplerName>.ko.avg
- Average response time for failed responses of sampler name.
- <rootMetricsPrefix><samplerName>.ko.pct<percentileValue>
- Percentile computed for failed responses of sampler name. There will be one metric for each calculated value.
- <rootMetricsPrefix><samplerName>.a.count
- Number of responses for sampler name (sum of ok.count and ko.count)
- <rootMetricsPrefix><samplerName>.sb.bytes
- Sent Bytes
- <rootMetricsPrefix><samplerName>.rb.bytes
- Received Bytes
- <rootMetricsPrefix><samplerName>.a.min
- Min response time for responses of sampler name (min of ok.count and ko.count)
- <rootMetricsPrefix><samplerName>.a.max
- Max response time for responses of sampler name (max of ok.count and ko.count)
- <rootMetricsPrefix><samplerName>.a.avg
- Average response time for responses of sampler name (avg of ok.count and ko.count)
- <rootMetricsPrefix><samplerName>.a.pct<percentileValue>
- Percentile computed for responses of sampler name. There will be one metric for each calculated value. (calculated on the totals for OK and failed samples)
The default percentiles setting on the Backend Listener is "90;95;99",
i.e. the 3 percentiles 90%, 95% and 99%.
The Graphite naming hierarchy
uses dot (".") to separate elements. This could be confused with decimal percentile values.
JMeter converts any such values, replacing dot (".") with underscore ("-").
For example, "99.9" becomes "99_9"
By default JMeter sends metrics for all samplers accumulated under the samplerName "all".
If the Backend Listener samplersList is configured, then JMeter also sends the metrics
for the matching sample names unless summaryOnly=true